Tax? Who pays?

Tax? Who pays?

“The End Justifies the Means”, so this corporative government tells us. Well, if you were bought up in my generation, then you were taught that it most definitely didn’t!

Ive never bothered too much with tax. Not given it too much thought. Paid it, but didnt give it much thought. Its just a thing you do as a member of society… Like voting – I know many people who give voting far less thought than I’d ever given to tax. Paying it, that is.
My first job someone gave me a yellow envelope, there was a bit of paper in it telling what was mine, what had been taken as tax for the things we need for society. And something about what was taken from me and placed in safe keeping for me for use at a later date.. (superannuation that was called), a government regulation won by workers in union.

Its just a thing you do as a member of society, isnt it, pay your tax.

I mean why so much fuss. We all agree that we need a pool of common treasure to use for those things we require in common. Simple as that. Lets face it, some of us will never see the things we pay the tax for, no one will see MalCons NBN no matter how much tax is syphoned off into it and the salaries of those ‘ building’ it, some will never go near the roads we never stop paying for, the hospitals, the airports. Thats the way it is. Its just a thing you do as a member of society, isnt it, pay your tax… After all, who knows when your bubble may burst?

Saying that, it wouldn’t be bad if it LOOKED like the tax we paid was used on the hospitals, the roads, communications, education – the things we are told the tax is for. I mean that would be good. Wouldnt it?
It’d be good if it LOOKED like we were improving our health, welfare and social security. Wouldnt it? If our kids could actually get an equitable education, regardless of whose child they are – if they could read books, sort out their own thoughts and feelings. This corporative system of rule just seems to plow treasure into state security, private health, conscience policing, politicians salaries …and of course, corporative giveaways. THIS we Do get to see, hell, we feel it dont we.

Everything works down at the lower end anyway – down amongst the common people, the untermenchen. Perhaps this is the ‘fear of law’? Its just at the upper end where all this dodging and cheating and scrabbling goes on. Just to get something back… Something back, what for? Its your tax. Its a duty. Thats what you pay. For society. Remember? These so called representatives could do with a dose of the ‘fear of law’ – instead they laugh in our faces, lie to us and rob us. Worse than that they attempt to enshrine greed. Greed is good. It is?

Something back? From whom? Why?

So, if we can take as an example for the rest of us, our illustrious silver-spooner of a Foreign Minister, she who traipses around the world with her ‘boyfriend’ (whose not her ‘partner’) at our expense – and not just in the way of treasure – then we are ENTITLED to screw the country for everything its got. After all, the law she obeys says she can. Therefore, SHE WILL. Whats that old saying? ‘Choose life. Choose you.’ If its good enough for one of us, then its good enough for all us.

The one tax I would like not to pay, is the tax for other people to bring up the kids they should never have had.. but then that is something else altogether, isn’t it.

“So, dont be ashamed love, its just a game love – you can learn how to play.” – Mason/Capaldi from ‘Vagabond Virgin’.

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