Close the Borders. Get rich and buy a house! Australia, you’re wallowing in it.
Close the borders may be a cheaper alternative than prisons & mad-houses. It may be a short term solution to the security of this society – but it doesnt solve the problem. The Problem is overpopulation. Humans. Human Extras more to the point.
Overpopulation is the real problem that ‘our’ world, the future, faces – or rather does everything possible not to face. What do we do with the EXTRAS the unnecessary food absorbers? This is a vital and in my opinion the most vital of all problems facing the world – the Earth – today. There’s no getting away from it. Not only are we the most idiotically destructive animals on the planet but we breed like …rabbits, mice ..animals. On top of this ‘our’ ability to both deceive ourselves and to pass the deception on is astounding. It would be terrifying if it wasnt so funny, and its only funny because I’m now too old for it to make a difference in my life. In your life? I dont think so. In my opinion we as a race have missed the chance entirely. We’ve only have war and disease to count on, to help, to alleviate this problem in the future. War and disease did a reasonable job once. Not so anymore.
I hear lately that our wise masters here in Australia have decided – or so it seems – to close our borders and make this problem ‘go away’. Again. What a fantastic idea. We will let them eat cake. Cotton would be better since that way we could still exchange it with the ‘outside world’s extras’ and make our little world rich! But really, who gives a shit what they do? As long as they dont bother us, become our problem, who cares.
We know they wont be able to invade us because we’ve banned the boats. They’ll drown if they come by boats. Not that we’ll care as long as they dont reach the shore. Start eating our food, and taking our sunshine and drinking our water.
And now, we have one dangerous cretin in charge of our immigration and border security – a real dangerous cretin – so we know were going to be okay! Thank the lord!
So now the real problem becomes keeping the rest of the worlds extras out, dealing with ours in here and going back to ignoring the ‘problem’ once again. Passing it off to another generation. Such a simple, well tried, tested, and on the whole satisfying solution. Throw on a bigger pair of blinkers, slap another layer of rose coloured gold over our glasses and lay back with the sun full in our eyes.
Australia’s a ‘lucky country’ to be surrounded by so much water and to now have such mean dangerous dudes in charge of our future. Your future! A lucky country.
“This vessel carries me, and I wander with it.”
James Holman, the ‘blind traveller.